Saturday, August 18, 2007

Week one finished!!

One week of school done with and only about 36 left. I've learned a lot about teaching this week that I sincerely wish I had known before school started. My week was rough to put it lightly. I love my kids, but trying to teach them is very difficult. I've never been so happy for a weekend as I am right now. Today we went to another waterfall, this one was very spread out, it cascaded down a huge pile of rocks. you could climb up it and sit underneath parts of it. It was super fun. I actually got a little cold coming back to the school. That is the first time I've been cold since I got here, that is, except for the shower, which still doesn't have hot water. We have a few new apartment mates, a mouse who live under the oven, and a cockroach, well, he used to live in my roommate's closet, but he was eliminated with a shoe last night. We had pancake night at our apartment last night with all the SMs after vespers, which was a lot of fun too. Hopefully next week will go a little smoother than this last one, keep me in your prayers!


Ronda said...

Oh, hang in there girl!! I'm sure your sentiments after the first week could be the words of almost any SM. Teaching is so much harder than one thinks! It WILL get easier! You'll find a systems that work for you and your confidence will grow. Remember you're doing God's work and He won't let you fail. I pray for you every day! Thanks for the updates. I love hearing about everything.

Erin said...

You're doing great. It's hard work but is very rewarding at the same time. I'm glad you decided to go to the waterfall! I will definitely keep you in my prayers. I love you cous! Talk soon.

Sa\/age said...

Hey, the first couple of weeks are usually real tough. You will figure it out I am sure. It sounds like you guys are getting around to a lot of the sights. Sounds really fun. Keep your chin up and I know you will be able to accomplish anything. Good to hear all the stuff that is happening. Keep the blogs a comin'!

Ryan said...

Dost my eyes deceive me, or is that kid sitting next to you in the picture the infamous Danny Heam? I love that kid. He's pretty awesome. If you put on some M.J. and tell him to dance it's HILARIOUS in the best way, and sure to take your mind off of school for a minute. (Of course, by now he should be in like 5th grade or something, so maybe he's past the dancing phase . . . but you should still ask him. It couldn't hurt.) Hang in there, Katie. The first few weeks are always rough when you and the kids are still getting a feel for each other and they're testing your boundaries. Stay strong, with Christ at the center, and you'll make it through. And before you know it, enough of the kids will love you to make the tough times SO worth it.