Saturday, November 17, 2007

Rainy Days and Mondays

Contrary to the song, made popular by the Carpenters, neither the rain nor Monday was depressing to me. Monday was a holiday so there wasn’t any school, and the nearly constant rain this week I rather enjoyed. For one, it’s been very cool outside, and secondly, I enjoy falling asleep to the rain. This week was a good one. We had varsity practice and also went to a meeting to discuss the upcoming b-ball tournament yesterday. I think our team can do well if we practice hard. The tournament is during Christmas break, it should be a lot of fun. My class is doing pretty good, this week they were really into making paper spiders by tracing their fingers. I have to admit they are kind of cute, I have a few hanging in my classroom. I went to Kapinga Village on Wednesday to help with the Band-Aid clinic. I haven’t gone in several weeks and I missed it, so I tried to make some time to go. Hanging out with the kids is fun, they are so energetic and loving. To those of you that I promised bumpy black zories for Christmas, the search continues. Palm Terrace and the few other stores I’ve looked in don’t have them in stock right now, but hopefully they will soon!
Today I am especially thankful for the genius invention of the Sabbath. Nothing compares to the utter relaxation you experience knowing that you don’t need to be doing lesson plans, grading, cleaning the apartment, or various other activities. I love being able to just unwind from the week on Friday evening and look forward to Saturday too. Today after church we went to a waterfall following lunch. Since we’ve had so much rain recently the waterfall was HUGE! We have been to that same one before but last time it was quite a bit smaller, just lightly cascading down the rocks. This time it was pouring over the edge. The current was really strong up next to it. It was so much fun to swim around and hang out.

Things I’ve learned:

  1. A hug from a student can melt away a lot of stress
  2. There is nothing prettier than an ocean sunset
  3. Bananas are a major food group


Ronda said...

Seems like life is a bit easier for you these days and I'm so glad to hear it. I talked to Riki tonight and she is very excited about seeing you at x-mas. It's weird to have all the college kids home for Thanksgiving and not have you guys here too. Makes me miss you even more!!

Riki said...

i totally know what you mean about the banana thing. actually all 3 of those things. love you and miss you!

Erin said...

I miss Pohnpei bananas! Minus the flies. Ha ha. I love reading your stories because it puts me right back in Pohnpei with you. I can see what you describe unfold in a very real way. I love you cousin. Happy Holidays!