The last two weeks have been jam packed with activities and a lot of work too! Last week was Spirit Week, which made things interesting to say the least. I enjoyed seeing the kid's costumes everyday, but finding something to wear for each day was rather challenging given our limited wardrobe. Nonetheless, I never pass up an opportunity to wear a fabulous costume, so I managed to dress up most of the days. Pajama day found me wearing comfy pants and my spiderman pj shirt. Tuesday was career day. Since I didn't have scrubs or a dental hygiene mask I decided to dress up as a pro b-ball player. Hey, at least I got to wear pants for a day! Wednesday was weird day. My outfit was pretty exciting and my kids all laughed at me. Thursday was cultural day and Friday was class colors day. My kids voted to wear red so the playground was a blur of red during recess that day. To end off the exciting week was the much anticipated Valentine's Banquet put on by the Junior class. The banquet was held at Club Cupid on a hill above the school that offers a stunning view. It was gorgeous. The best part was getting all dressed up! We had fun taking pictures and getting ready together. The entertainment for the banquet consisted of students singing, break dancing, and a few numbers by some of the teachers as well. It was a fun relaxing evening.
This week has been kind of hectic for me. I have fallen rather ill in the past few days which makes teaching less than pleasant. A head cold can seem a thousand times worse when you have 20 little kids screaming in your ears and grabbing onto you all day long. This Friday is our school picnic and we will be going to the same swimming spot as last time. It's so much work to plan these things!!! I think it will be fun if I can get enough sleep and hopefully feel better by then. Another stress this week was sending out midterms. This means getting all caught up on grading and recording whilst trying to prod the lazy kids to turn in their work! It's practically the weekend though, or at least I keep telling myself that. Only 4 more weeks until Spring Break! I can't wait for mom to visit, we'll have a rockin good time!
Things I've learned in Pohnpei:
1. with enough hairspray my hair can stay curled, even in the humidity
2. Nyquil is my best friend, Vitamin C is a close 2nd
3. cereal and dried fruit = the value of gold
1 comment:
hahaha i really want to see what your outfit was for weird day...i can only imagine. love you and miss you friend!
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