Last Friday was our last elementary school picnic for the year. I have mixed feelings about the picnics. While I am there I thoroughly enjoy myself because my kids are infinitely more fun outside the classroom than in. I can play with them and enjoy them. However, planning the picnics is a lot of work. Finding parents to drive and supervise, sending out notes, collecting money, and the like. The day of the picnic dawned with pouring rain, and I mean POURING. I was a bit nervous about it, but low and behold, an hour later it was sunny and beautiful. My drivers all showed up and we transported the kids to Nihco Marine Park. The kids swam and eventually dragged me in after them. We played chicken fights and launched kids off our knees into the water for a while and then ate lunch. Right when we packed up and got in the cars it started pouring rain again. Good timing! It was a fun day.
I got another package from the Lawrences (you guys are the best!) and my students have been enjoying the new books, puzzles, and Bingo game. Last week they were kind of crazy and it was a rough week, so it was nice to end with the picnic. On Sunday a group of us hiked through the fields and jungle to a waterfall that we normally drive to. It was a few miles away and we didn't really have directions, but we found it without too much trouble. The water felt so good after the hike. I have become accustomed to the weather and the river water feels cold now though!!
Spring Break in 2 weeks and only 15 days until Mom comes!! Oh, the SDA church women's ministry group is doing a prayer vigil next weekend, if you have anything you would like me to add to my prayer list for my hour, let me know!
Things I've learned in Pohnpei:
1. warm showers are nice even when it's 80 degrees
2. don't take cereal for granted
3. fans are amazing inventions