As nearly a month has pasted since my last post I have a plethora of adventures to recount for your reading pleasure. The first few weeks of December pasted in a blurred frenzy of attempting to wrap up the quarter, practice for the Christmas program, and plan/attend Christmas parties. It was a lot of fun and very very busy!! The Christmas program went well, my kids sang “Angels we have heard on high” and looked adorable dressed in white. The class Christmas party and secret santa gift exchange went off without a hitch and I think everyone enjoyed themselves. Immediately following the party we drove to the airport to pick up Ross. It was so great to finally see him again! Riki flew in from Saipan a few days later. It was great to see you Rik!!! We all had a really fun time touring the island. During vacation we camped at Black Coral and went diving twice. We also visited the ancient ruins at Nan Madol, which was fun. We went on the 6 waterfalls hike. Yes, you really see six waterfalls along the way. It’s a great hike, swimming around in the waterfall basins, hiking in the river and through the jungle. We even found a few ginger water balloon flowers (no idea what they are actually called) to throw at each other. One of the waterfalls had a sweet cave behind it too! We visited Twin Falls and also climbed Sokehs Rock. One day we drove around the whole island and also climbed Chicken Poop mountain (yes, it’s really called that). On Christmas day we attended a local party. New Year’s Eve we went to a concert at the Kitti Church and spent a good share of time driving around Kolonia throwing candy to kids and yelling “Happy New Year” to everyone who was out and about. We got soaked with hoses and water balloons too! It was a great vacation and went slow enough to be enjoyed too. I missed being with my family over Christmas, but it was great to be with some of my best friends and be able to show them around this beautiful island. During break there was also the high school b-ball tournament. Since I’m the assistant coach for girl’s varsity I went to some games which was super fun too. We even had a coaches vs. officials game during the last day, which was a lot of fun.
I can’t say it ever really felt like Christmas much to me, but that’s ok, the vacation was very welcome. Thanks to all of you who sent me Christmas presents and cards, I appreciate it! Well, school is starting back up again and it’s back to work! The school year is half over, I can’t believe it! Happy New Year!
Things I’ve Learned:
1. I have amazing friends and family (ok, so I already knew that)
2. Playing should always follow hard work
3. I can bake bread, but still not slice it evenly
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