This weekend was a very busy and fun one! I'm very pwang (tired) from all the festivities. On Sabbath we hiked to two waterfalls down in a gorge. It was a steep but beautiful hike. The first one was super tall, maybe like a few hundred ft and gorgeous. It had a nice deep pool at the base and sheer walls surrounding it. We had to hike up the river to get there too, which proves interesting when your shoes have very little traction. Nothing more than a few more bumps, bruises, and scraped knees to add to the collection though. Saturday night we had a b-day party for one of my roommates which turned out to be a lot of fun also. We even did some salsa dancing. On Sunday we loaded up the boat and headed out to Palikir Pass for some scuba-rama. It was only the 2nd time I’ve been diving here. I had to use someone else’s BC due to a time constraint and various other issues. The BC was several sizes too large for me and I had nothing but 2 small rocks for weights, but somehow everything ended up working fine and the dive went well. It was kind of scary diving without any instructor, just a dive buddy, but all went well and I even saw 3 reef sharks! After a while Tina (my dive buddy) and I met up with Mr. B and Raymond and they took us down pretty deep to see the sharks. I dove to about 85 ft, which is the deepest I’ve ever gone, but that’s where the sharks were, so that was fun to see. That is pretty much the summation of my weekend. It was a lot of fun and I felt ready to tackle yet another Monday. This week has been going fast luckily. We have Friday semi-off. By that I mean that we don’t have school, but we do have parent teacher conferences since report cards come out on Thursday. After school we are supposed to go camping at Black Coral, nothing is for sure yet though. We caught one of our many resident mice a few days ago, one down, 2 more to go! A new quarter has started this week. It is somewhat of a relief to be able to start fresh, but starting over can also be stressful. The ship with the copier ink still hasn’t come, so we are using the small copier still which means that we can only make copies for certain things. It makes grading papers harder because they mostly do work out of the book, but I have 2 high school graders do most of that, so that is nice. Well I hope you are all doing mwau (good) and I’d love to hear from you! Oh, the pictures are of Karen and I at Sahwertik (a waterfall) and on of me and my TA Eileen. She's awesome.
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