Sunday, March 16, 2008
Easter Break volume 1
My mom arrived safely Saturday afternoon. We relaxed and got caught up all evening and packed for Ant. Sunday afternoon we drove to Ant atoll and snorkeled for a bit in the channel. We camped the night on an island with no huts or anything. We slept under a tarp amidst a thunder storm. This morning we got up and went diving. Our dive went smoothly and we saw a shark and a really cool eel. Mom was a bit nervous about diving without an instructor or anything but she was a good sport and did just fine. After the dive we packed up and headed back to the main land. I tried trolling on the way back but I didn't catch anything. We just got back from walking to the store. We got caught in the rain pretty bad, but now we are nice and dry, so all is well. I'll try to keep you posted about the rest of our adventures later!!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Manta Madness!
Dragging myself out of bed Sunday morning to get ready for diving
was not the easiest thing in the world. I almost decided to skip it a sleep in instead, figuring that the dive wouldn’t be that great and trying to convince myself that I should save my money for diving over Easter Break. I eventually got up though, luckily. We ended up going diving at a place called
Last week’s adventure was noteworthy as well, but I never got around to blogging about it. It consisted of an impromptu boat drive out to Ant atoll to snorkel for about 30 min (the boat drive is about an hour, maybe longer). On the way we got caught in a storm, it was pretty cool, huge waves, pouring rain. It was a little cold, but a lot of fun too. We bounced around on the front of the boat in the waves, luckily we were sitting on lifejackets to cushion our landings. I would liken the feeling to that of a rollercoaster. After snorkeling we went trolling for a while and Mr. B caught a fish or two. It was fun to get out on the boat and just chill for a while. Last week I was also blessed with 3 packages in the mail. I know, I really am spoiled. I enjoyed it though. Hopefully this week goes smoothly and we can actually get some legitimate work done in the classroom some of the time. Around vacation time it always gets a little crazy. I don’t mind it some of the time though, I enjoy when my students are excited, especially when they have been working so hard all quarter.
Things I’ve learned in Pohnpei:
- Manta Rays are stupendous
- Contrary to popular belief, roosters do not crow only at dawn. They crow all day, all night, and especially all morning, wherever and whenever they please. This includes but is not limited to directly outside my window.
- “Midday Sweat” is my new fragrance. Not to be confused with fragrance of choice, of course.