So the idea was to post a blog a day during Spring Break, but we were much too busy doing all kinds of adventures, so this short summation will have to suffice. Break was awesome and for the most part relaxing. We went camping, scuba diving, waterfall hiking, more hiking in the rain, exploring Nan Madol, and a little bit of just kicking back too. It was great to see my mom and it made me very anxious to come home. We are now in the 4th and last quarter of the school year. It seems like time has flown by and yet gone extremely slow at times as well. Only 7 more weeks of teaching left and although I love my students dearly and will miss them, I am looking forward to the end of school.
Last weekend was a nice long one because of report card/parent teacher conference day and Cultural Day on Monday. We had to have conferences on Friday morning and then we were free for the rest of the weekend. On Sabbath we drove to a waterfall near Kitti (not sure of the name) and after a nice 45 min hike or so we swam for a while. The scary part is that in order to get in the water you have to plummet 35 ft off the edge of a cliff into the water. Believe me, 35 ft is a long ways when you are suspended in midair, screaming for all your worth. I jumped and screamed and screamed and screamed until I was out of breath and realized I was still only about halfway down. It was certainly the highest I have ever jumped from, but it was thrilling and fun. On Sunday we hiked up Sokehs Rock to spend the night. It was a very fun trip, although hauling all your gear, food, and water up that climb was not the most enjoyable thing ever. We cooked hot dogs and watched the plane land at night. It was very windy at the top and quite cool. It was nice to have to bundle up to keep warm. I'm used to sweating all night. Monday it was back to work to get ready for school the next day.
The past two weeks of school have been interesting. The students were still in vacation mode for about a week so it was quite hard to get them motivated to learn. I'm sure it'll get better now that we are back into a routine.
Things I've learned in Pohnpei:
1. Good communication makes EVERYTHING easier
2. 2 months is a very short time
3. 2 months is a very long time
4. The hardest times of your life aren't necessarily the worst times